gNET 3.0.0

John Osborne

4324 University Avenue, Suite B
Grand Forks, ND 58203
john.osborne (at)


M.S., Industrial Technology, University of North Dakota, 2007
   Emphasis: Graphic Design Education
B.S., Physical Education, University of North Dakota, 2004


Meridian Environmental Technology, Inc.Editor & Graphic Designer - May 1999 to present
Meridian Environmental Technology, Inc. designs, develops, and distributes weather and environmental information and information technology to support end user applications. Involved with the technical production (proofing, editing, and formatting) of numerous road weather maintenance proposals and reports. Responsible for assisting science and engineering staff prepare progress, monthly, quarterly and final reports required for contracts and meeting each contract documentation formatting requirements. Serves as the publisher of the bi-annual newsletter for the #SAFE 511 states, with a distribution of approximately 1000. Proofs and provides content for Meridianss web page. Also responsible for the formatting and distribution of statistical reports pertaining to 511 ATIS services, web and telephony. Has completed the National ITS Architecture, Systems Engineering, and Standards certification courses, providing him with a sound background and understanding of ITS architecture and standards.


Osborne, L. & Osborne, J. (2006). Principles and Tools for Road Weather Management.
   Federal Highway Administration, National Highway Institute, Course #13703.
Osborne, L. & Osborne, J. (2005). Fundamentals of Road Weather Management.
   Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) training course.
Osborne, L. & Osborne, J. (2004). Weather Information in the National ITS Architecture,
   Meridian Environmental Technology, Inc., ITS America, August 2004, pp. 58.

Paramount Performance Webmaster August 2006 to present
Serving as webmaster for the sports performance training company, Paramount Performance, I was responsible for the design layout and concept for the web materials. Logo design, content formatting and graphics development for publications.

Graphics and Photography Society Webmaster / Copy Editor - August 2004 to present
President - August 2005 to December 2005
The Graphics and Photography Society is a student organization designed to provide opportunities for professional growth, and to encourage communication among student, faculty, staff and community members. Develop and maintain the society's website. Format and edit content for World Wide Web and print publication. Involved in graphics development for publications.

University of North Dakota Housing OfficeStaff Photographer - June 2005 to present
Capturing moments of student activities throughout the course of the school year, particularly in line with interests to the University Residence Services.

Computer Expertise

Operating Systems: Windows (XP, NT and 98), Macintosh OS X.
Tools: Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, Adobe PageMaker, Adobe Photoshop, HTML, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Powerpoint, Microsoft Word.